Integrated Channel Managers
Enjoy full inventory synchronisation with the channel managers integrated to our booking software.
TOWeRS booking engine can integrate to any of the channel managers listed below which are the main channel managers on the market. In this way, hotel availability and rates can be automatically updated and synchronised on all sales channels in real time.
- Acigroup
- Ao hostels
- Bbhotel
- Beddy
- Begenius
- Bemyguest
- Blastness
- Booking designer
- Booking evolution
- Booking expert
- Bookitech
- Booklogic
- Bookon
- Busy rooms
- Channelpro
- Channelrush
- Cubilis
- D edge
- Dingus
- Easyram
- Ericsoft
- Ermes hotel
- Figaro
- Gestionealberghi leo portal
- Ghix
- Ghs
- Globres
- Heranet
- Hotel spider
- Hotelavailabilities
- Hotelnet
- Kross booking
- Myguestcare
- Octorate
- Onestep
- Passepartout
- Phobs
- Prestige
- Primalres
- Quickyield
- Ratedock
- Rategain
- Ratetiger
- Reseliva
- Roomcloud
- Roomshop
- Scidoo
- Sihot
- Simple booking
- Sistemotel
- Siteminder
- Slope
- Synergy
- Synxis by ermesbridge
- Sysdat turismo
- Travelclick
- Verticalbooking
- Winner
- Wubook
- Xyzt
- Yieldplanet